Thursday, August 5, 2010

Rainy days...

So yeah, I guess should update my blog. Why did I decide to write this blog -- I used to be employed in an oil company. I was in sales. My everyday was filled with excitement (NOT!) This was my first job...

As years passed, I met my DH to be. So I decided to resign and change my career - to a stay at home wife. I hoped to be a mom someday. I did, 10 months after our wedding.

<--- This is Julia. My DD, my inspiration. Since DH has been based in Cebu for more than a year now. DD is my constant companion. We are together everyday, sometimes all day.

My weekdays are filled with errands. But I have plenty of "idle time" on my hands. I used to write a journal, the old fashion way. Using a pen and paper - i think. ;)

I thought, why not a blog. I'm online almost 24/7 anyway. I've read funny blogs, scary blogs, expose blogs, revenge blogs, foodie blogs, travel blogs etc, and of course blogs about bags :) I was trying to decide if my blog should be about one theme. I couldn't work around it. So many things happen in my life, I can possibly just choose one topic. No man is an island, as they say.

At the moment I think I am the only one who views my blog (looser!) LOL! But that's fine -- I enjoy writing random ideas and views.

Good day everyone :)

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