Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I have read this morning that a new campaign has come up on Twitter. This is to disseminate information to everyone that Manila is indeed safe after the hijacking of a tourist bus on August 23, 2010 by a disgruntled ex-cop.

I have lived in Manila for most of my life.   I was  schooled  here, worked here, met my DH here, raised a family here.  I can say that Manila is just as safe as any other city n the world.   I have visited Europe, the U.S., Asian countries - all of these places have their bad sides.  

I am alarmed by the  reactions of the Hong Kong Chinese on the internet. As much as I understand the emotions that have been triggered by the hostage taking last Monday, I hope that the situation does blow out of proportion.  This is an isolated case. The tourists were selected randomly by the hostage taker.  He did not choose the victims because of their race, social standing, or age.  I can only think that Mendoza thought that  he would make a bigger statement if he took hostage of tourists.  It is not a direct attack towards the Chinese in anyway. 

I hope that we would all take a breather from it all --  I hope that people in Hong Kong would not retaliate against Filipinos living and working in HK.  Violence does not solve violence.  In my mind revenge - if that is what people want - has already been served.  Mendoza is dead.  Lest we forget that he too had a family of his own.  He was a son, a father, a husband, and a brother.  They too are in mourning. 

I do not defend what he has done.  There is absolutely no excuse  for his actions.  But we should all look at the situation from a wider point of view.  Yes there were mistakes, many of them. A lot of "would have, could have, should have".  I myself was disappointed at how the hostage drama unfolded as I was watching it live.

A task force has already been formed to investigate on what had happened.  The Philippines has already agreed to the terms set by the Chinese government with regards to the victims. President Noynoy has already issued an official statement to the international community.

As a Filipino, I am deeply saddened by the events that happened.  If  I could apologize to the victims' families, I would.  No one wanted this to happen.
Today has been declared as a national day of mourning for the victims of the 8/23 hostage taking.
Let us all say a prayer for the victims and the families they have left behind.

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