Saturday, July 31, 2010

Hamilo Coast, Pico de Loro - Paradise and MORE
It is no question that my family and I enjoy going to the beach. We frequent Boracay and the beaches of Cebu. So by 2008 I was seriously considering the purchase of a beach-side lot for us to have a small vacation home where we can spend our weekends. Hence the search began.
I stumbled upon Pico de Loro through their Facebook Fan page. IT was perfect -- a condo lifestyle with the be
ach a few steps away. It was my concern that if I were to build a house on the beach -- who would take care and maintain it if we were not using it. But this, this was perfect! Since my hubby
is assigned in Cebu - we have the same convenience of condo living there. We can just lock-up and go.
So I went ahead and checked out their web page, gave them a call and scheduled an ocular visit. We were assigned a gracious young lady named Razchelle Sanggalang. She answered all my questions with patience. Since I am the type of person who tends to end a question with another question. We scheduled the visit on May 3, 2010. From that visit we were impressed. My husband and decided that we would get an individual membership first and
then decide later if we should get a unit. Since we live in Las Pinas - a day trip was easy for us. Hence we signed the papers and contracts for membership on May 4, 2010.

We visited the beach club every week since then. Only skipping a few weekends if our schedule did not permit. Our kids love this place -- my 3 year old daughter, Julia calls Hamilo -- her favorite beach. My husband and I love the view, the food, the service...actually everything about the place.

We decided to celebrate Julia's 3rd birthday at her favorite beach with my sister in-law's family last July 17, 2010. As always, coming here, even how frequent the sight of the beach never fails to catch my breathe away. On this particular visit though - there was no water at the Beach Club. Lockers and registration were all to be done at the country club.
So we all registered at the Country Club and went to the beach club -- Julia and her cousin Gabbi played in the sand, while we all lounged at the pool. When decided to eat, we all went back to the country club and spent the rest of the afternoon at the country club pool. Which was gorgeous!
We left at around 8PM to avoid the traffic in Tagaytay. We were ready and started our journey home. We took two cars - our car and my sister-in law's SUV. Our car led the way, while the SUV followed. As we made our ascent to Pico Point we noticed that we could not see the headlights of the SUV. We parked at the side of the road and waited. After 5 minutes still no SUV. We decided to make a u-turn and see what was the problem. The SUV seemed to have a problem with the intake of gas. In a short while, two security guards were already on the scene -- and offering their help. There was an in-house mechanic but will only be available in the morning. We decided to to spend the night. But we had to find out if there was an available unit for us to stay in.
We inquired at the Country Club reception -- a few moments later, Ms. Ellen Acosta assisted us. She said that there was an available unit. The receptionist told us that the unit would cost us Php 9,
000++ for four people and an additional Php 1000/head in excess of four. This was alright if this was a planned overnight stay. But since this was an emergency --- we looked at each other and started to think of other options. We had children in tow -- they were tired and getting restless. We had to make a decision quck. But even before we could decide, Ms. Ellen Acosta called Mr. Gabriele Babini, the director of operations. OMG! They gave us the room at net price and no additional cost per head in excess of four! We were more than happy. The loft unit was spacious and we rested comfortably. My sister-in law's husband, Paolo, made arrangement hire a mechanic. We really did not want to trouble anyone else. But when Paolo was about to pick up the mechanic - he was informed that Ms. Ellen Acosta was looking for us since she was able to get the in-house mechanic to take a look at the SUV.
By 11 am the SUV was all fixed and we were ready to head back to Manila. Upon check out we were informed that Mr. Levi Layug, the club's general manager wanted to speak with us. He was warm and we could see the sincerity in his concern for us.

This was BEYOND all my expectations of the service that they give to their members. I am more than IMPRESSED. Again I can say that being a member, was one of the BEST decisions we have made in our lifetime. And because of the warmth, sincerity and level of service we experienced - my husband and I are now seriously considering buying a unit here. For us HAMILO is more than a financial investment. It is truly a paradise and more. I have not experienced this level of service anywhere. If you should think of a place for y
ou family -- for generations to come. HAMILO COAST-PICO DE LORO should definitely be on the TOP of your list :)


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